
5G Antenna

Amenity technology specializes in the PCB antenna & SIW antenna specially in the UHF band. In wireless communication we have designed the PIFA antenna while achieving more than five bands. For these PCB antennas, we design the feed elements as per the client requirements. We also design the fully customized RF system, which meets the specific requirements. Our engineers also provide the solutions and consulting for your microwave design problems.


MATLAB Scripting

We have successfully designed a 5G telecommunication antenna with high beam width. MATLAB provides the facility to implement 5G network through scripting. We can simulate the parameters of different bit error rates through MATLAB scripting. We can provide real time data transmission and reception on 5G networks through simulation. We can also provide the verification and simulation of 5G network, which includes the golden reference verification, link level simulation, waveform generation and testing.

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