Fraud Detection
Amenity can help you the build and develop the system to find the fraudulent emails or text documents related you your specific domain. We can help you develop the email classification systems for your specific niche. If you have text data of any of your system which may experience fraud then we can bring our expertise to help you build the fraud detection system for your specific domain. Contact us for bringing AI to your domain and becoming the AI first company in your domain.
Linear and Logistics Regression
With our expertise in Logistic model it will be easy to get probability of a certain class or event existing such as pass/fail, win/lose, alive/dead or healthy/sick. This can be extended to model several classes of events such as determining whether an image contains a cat, dog, lion, etc and In Liner regression approaching to modeling the relationship between a scalar response and one or more explanatory variables such as Goal prediction, weather forecasting etc.
Deep Learning
Amenity can provide Deep Learning as a Service that comes under the Artificial Intelligence Consulting where you can get the consultation for Stock Market trading, Sports gaming predictive analysis, Human health diagnostic System, Weather Forecasting, Human and Computer Vision application, text to speech and speech to text, Chatbot Development applications and many more services.
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing Solutions and Services using the integration of Machine Learning as a service, Deep Learning algorithms, and Computer Vision techniques. We can make your business to integrate the AI-Driven NLP Services for Building AI Chatbot, Sentimental analysis, Entity Recognition, Intent Classification, Text Categorization, Extract data from PDF, Extract information using NLP, IoT development and more. Natural Language Processing Solutions and Services are becoming an important entity for every kind of industry like Laws, Stocks and Finance, Healthcare, E-Commerce, Marketing and Advertising, Mobile Intelligence, Manufacturing and Telecommunications etc.
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Tools and Technologies We Use for Offering AI Services
We use top-of-the-line tools, cutting-edge technologies, and modern approaches to expand and grow your business.
Programming Language
Python | Java | R | Scala | SQL | C++ | 3TypeScript | C # | Swift | Bash | Go | Vue.js | React Js | Angular Js | Express Js | React Native | Node Js |
Tensorflow | Scikit-learn | SciPy | Flask | Django | RASA | NumPy | NLTK | Spacy | Bot Press | Voice Flow | PySpark | DeepStream | OpenVino | PyTourch | MMNet | Keras | Pandas
Kurento | Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit | Core ML
TensorFlow | OpenNN | Sonnet TF-Slim | Tensor2Tensor | Neuroph
Image Classification Models
VGG-16 | ResNet50 | Inceptionv3 | EfficientNet
Data Engineering
Azure | Amazon Web Services | Google Cloud | SPSS | MongoDB | | PostgreSQL | Databricks SQL | Amazon SageMaker |
Generative AI Models
Generative Adversarial Networks | Transformer models (GPT3, GPT 3.5 Turbo, LaMDA, Wu-Dao)
Supervised/Unsupervised Learning | Clustering | Metric Learning | Fewshot Learning
Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) | Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) | long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMN) | Autoencoders (VAE, DAE SAE, etc.) | Generative adversarial networks (GANs) | Deep Q-Network (DQN) | Modular neural network